
Posts Tagged ‘Chargers’

Ok, so I’m not gonna lie. I am breaking this habit of doing top ten’s for the last 3 posts. As of right now, I cant think of really anything witty to say, and nothing in the news really has happened. Oh yea, Steelers beat the Brownies. OSU, has no idea how to manage Pryor’s snaps, and the Charger’s were robbed yesterday. I guess its a pretty dirty job when your always looking at the backside of the Steelers(zing!) Sorry Browns fans, had to say it. Ok well on to the top ten dirtiest jobs ranked by career.com!

1.) Roadkill Collector
2.) Manure Inspector
3.) Portable Toilet Cleaner
4.) Crime-Scene Cleaner
5.) Pest Control Worker
6.) Ape Urine Collector
7.) De-construction Worker
8.) Zoo Cleaner
9.) Hot-Zone Superintendent
10.) Dentist

Hopefully I can get something else up today that is somewhat entertaining. Other than that, Digg if you like, in fact, please help Digg this and get me up there! Thanks!

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