
Posts Tagged ‘Computer’

Big brother is getting closer and closer to controlling the masses folks!  Steve Jobs unveiled the new Iphone and boy does it look sleek and more affordable price.  Steve Jobs is quote as saying “We’ve learned so much with the first iPhone. We’ve taken what we’ve learned and more and created the iPhone 3G.”  I don’t know what I am more happy about.  The fact that every few months or so they release a new phone making it cheaper and more efficient.  Or the fact that whoever purchased the latest and best Iphone is getting screwed out of money due to the decrease in prices and new super releases of the same product.  Either way, its awesome.

I for one, don’t see why they can’t develop one Iphone with compatibility to just load everything off of the web.  I think that it would be more efficient as well as making their consumer pay more for the applications.  To me, it’s absurd that people are actually going out and buying these things up at such a fast pace.  This country is so upset about prices and economy, and our unwilling to cope with gas prices, yet we’ll go drop $300 bucks on a new phone because we have to have the latest and greatest…..is there something wrong there?

Call me crazy, but I see the problems that lie withtin there.  I forgot to mention how obessed society is with having the newest stuff to claim their social status.  Were all to blame though as well, its just as much our fault as it is the media outlet, because we eat this crap up like candy.

Hopefully it changes some day.  But, I worry as if something drastic has to happen before people even realize the total sense of hypocrisy they are living.


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So much has happened in the past couple of weeks, it’s been hard to post and actually spend some time on here!  I am now labeled as the Web Content Manger at Albert Elovtiz Inc.  The best way to describe what I do, is I am a web master.  I do all things web and deal with the web.  Pretty awesome because I can actually learn as I progress in my daily duties.
I loved where I came from, I’ll miss it for sure, but it was time to move on.  Life is funny like that.  Regardless of what anyone wants to think about being in control…your not.  Life doesn’t wait for anyone or anything.  This was just a simple case of me having to move on and grasp the opportunity that was given to me, and I am highly appreciative.  Moving on to another subject.  I am now thankfully back in the city of Pittsburgh…which was just rated the worst Soot city(http://green.yahoo.com/news/ap/20080501/ap_on_re_us/polluted_cities.html), taking of L.A.  Oh well though, I don’t notice it that much.

I’m a total city boy, I’m glad to be back in the city and seeing such a vast amount of culture and happenings on a daily basis.  It makes the 1 and 15 minute traffic commute in the morning bearable I guess.  That and you can always tell when a city is in a good mood.  The Penguins are in possible sweep mode of the New York Rangers, and the city is starting to have the feeling that we did when the Steeler’s went to the Super Bowl back in ’05.  It’s just an awesome feeling.

I’m just exstatic about the oppurtunities given when you work for them.  A new outlook on life, and a fresh start is totally warrented.  More to come as I figure this crazy awesome life out later….

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